Hi everyone, I'm Brian The Ponderer and this is my blog, Thinking About Human Society.
I will be posting my thoughts and reflections on various social and political issues and on methodologies for thinking about these issues.
The posts are not meant for academic publication, so I will not use citations or references extensively. Suffice it to say that my thinking has been heavily influenced by four great thinkers in particular: Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, George Reisman, and Murray Rothbard.
As anyone familiar with these thinkers will know, and as readers may notice while reading my posts, my positions on most social issues could be described as having a generally libertarian orientation. Though some may disagree, I do not think that this constitutes a libertarian 'bias'. Before being exposed to the works of the three thinkers mentioned above, I was not a libertarian at all, in fact, I once dreamed of becoming a civil servant!
I will start this blog off with a methodological piece, consisting of 30 tips that I have formulated to help me think about social issues more clearly. I will post 2 tips a day.
I hope that my readers will get something out of this blog. I dare not hope that everyone will agree with everything that I say. If enough readers are encouraged, by this blog, simply to think about and consider the issues and methodologies I bring up, I will be more than satisfied.
Again, welcome!
I am starting in on the tips now. Looks great!